We the people of Wolf Clan Rising, in order to form a perfect clan, have banded together as a family to fight evil in the deepest of shadows. That we may have a more peaceful land throughout Kesmai. We do this with righteousness as our weapon and honor as our shield. We welcome any and all that are interested in making this beautiful land safer and a more enjoyable place in which to live. We guard and protect all that we take under our wing of goodness and honor. We carve out creatures of evil with courage and righteousness. In perceiving much chaos that comes from it, Wolf Clan Rising has vowed to pursue the quest for unity in hopes of achieving a goal of peace, prosperity and goodwill throughout the realms. First and foremost we are a family of like-minded friends who are in the realms to have fun and enjoy each other's companionship. In the pursuit of unity, each member is expected to exemplify all virtues set forth by the High Council. These include: honesty, truth, integrity, courage, honor, humility, compassion and courtesy.